Smoking cessation with acupuncture is comfortable and effective.
Stop Smoking?
Letting go of old habits can be very difficult when they are physically addictive. Acupuncture makes this process easier and my special triple-acupuncture technique has an 80% success rate. Years ago, this treatment was accidentally discovered when a patient received acupuncture for surgical anesthesia purposes. Following surgery, the patient discovered he was no longer addicted to drugs and lacked the urges to take them. The acupuncture points have been applied to the stop smoking program with excellent results. Patients do not suffer from urges (“nic fits”) and do not get side effects such as excess hunger, headaches, and depression. I love this program, it only takes four acupuncture visits: two consecutive days the first week and two the second week. Patients often see me years later and tell me their story of having left this old habit behind. Now that is a good feeling!
An acupuncturist stimulates areas of low electrical resistance, called acupoints, in order to restore harmony and balance to the body. The insertion of hair-thin needles rarely causes discomfort. In fact, many patients fall asleep for the 15 to 45 minute treatment period while others experience deep relaxation. During treatment, the body re-aligns its distribution of bio-electric energy to achieve homeostasis - the natural drive to balance the body’s temperature, fluid, and nervous system. An acupuncturist may also stimulate acupoints with heat, suction (cupping), pressure (acu-pressure), or a gentle eletrical current (electroacupuncture).
Teeth and Gums
Western clinical studies demonstrate that smoking compromises wound healing, increases gum pocket depth, and leads to the loss of hard and soft tissue attachment (tooth socket bone deterioration and gum recession). As a result, smoking compromises gum healing after surgery, leads to bad breath, increases the risk of periodontitis, and significantly increases dental implant failure rates.
These risk factors, along with the risk of lung and heart disease, are primary reasons to utilize the acupuncture stop smoking program.